
29 August, 2009

Recent life

I am quite tired and stress recently. There are lots of submissions in the following month. And I just realized that this semester is going to finish soon. Few weeks later will be exam week and following with internal and external crit. The so-called “War” is waiting for me.

Wow… It is damn fast man! I have not ready for all these things. I am still in honeymoon mode. That is what I am worrying. Laziness is going to kill me!!!

03 August, 2009

What a great day!

I had my final crit for my 1st project today. It took me 1 week for preparing all these things. Luckily, the end result was not bad. The feedback from the lecturers had surprised me very much. I couldn’t believe that the lecturers would give me such comment. It was kind of out of my expectation. :)

Anyhow, I did learn something today. No matter how hard is it, we should do our best. There may be some obstruction along the journey, but it will always guide us to the success in the end, if you put enough effort.

“I will keep on improving!
Do my best!