
26 October, 2009

RT Recorder - 02

Every person has his own reasons, would need to analyze them and find his own path. (Jean Nouvel)

You have to be very focused and work very hard, but it is not about working hard without knowing what your aim is! You really have to have a goal. The goal posts might shift, but you should have a goal. Know what it is that you are trying to find out. (Zaha Hadid)

Unless you are really committed to being an architect in the true sense of the word, it’s a terrible business and I wouldn't recommend it for anybody, unless you need to do it for some personal reason, I would say go into business, go into law, medicine, but don't be an architect. (Peter Eisenman)

Follow the impossible. (Daniel Libeskind)

Don’t follow conventional paths. This is the best moment you could ever be a young architect, because the playing field in this economy is becoming even. For a long time, the older generations ate the young. They’re going down right now and there's no definition of what architecture will be. Don’t try to get a junior job at the best firm you can and spend the next 30 years working your way through. This is the moment to move back home, use all your contacts and start operating locally. Do great work locally and define what architecture will be for the next 50 years. The more general advice is that no one can teach you how to design. No one can teach you how to be creative. But they can teach you to be self-critical. In school you should focus on learning to be self-critical and on contracts. Spend most of your time- if you're in architecture school - over at the law school or the business school because that's where you're going to learn tools. The real things you can learn in architecture school are tools. Focus on tools, not on your studio course.
(Joshua Prince-Ramus)

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