

I am David a.k.a JYchee, an Architecture graduate but not an Architect. Why? It's because I have not yet completed my 5 years Architecture studies but just 3 years with BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology.

Therefore, I'm only qualified to be an Assistant Architect unless I further study. You may think that why don't I just finish up the remaining 2 years? Yes, it sounds easy. But it's not in actual. For me, financial problem and losing my passion in Architecture are the main reason that stopping me from further study. I have been trying to find out solution but sad to say that I still can't find it until today.

For now, I am searching for other options before I find a way to recover my passion in Architecture. To be honest, I have no idea what I want. But I will keep on exploring...

(Updated on 20/9/2012)