
20 September, 2012

The End of My First Semester

Just finished up my last exam paper few hours ago. I should be very happy if in the old days. But I don't know why I have weird feeling for this exam. I have a feeling that I may fail in the exam. I didn't do well for all the papers.

So why I couldn't do well in the exam? I should have enough time to prepare for the exam? Yes, I had enough time for the exam preparation. But I had problem to focus during my revision. I couldn't memorize the keywords in the notes like what I did last time. For all three papers, my answers were based on my understanding of the lesson in the class and some of my working experience. The good thing about Master degree is the exam questions are normally in case study. Anyone can answer the question as long as he has the basic understanding of the question. Just that he may not score well if he does not apply what he has learned in the class.

It sounds like I wouldn't fail as long as I can answer the question. Yes, but there is still possibilities that I will fail if I wrote too much of rubbish and out of topic. Why out of topic? It is because I answered the question with the knowledge of other subjects. How can it happen? For your information, almost all subjects for this course are related to each other. Some topic can be repeated on different subjects. Therefore, I answered some questions by referring to other subjects when I have no idea how to answer.

Anyway, I can't predict what will happen later. If I am good luck, I should be able to pass the exam for this semester. If things go toward opposite side, I may fail. Then, I will have to reconsider whether I am choosing the right path. So let's wait and see what will happen soon.