
02 June, 2010


People say a masterpiece of someone would roughly reflect the creator’s mind. It’s quite true. For me, my works are more toward simple and straightforward type. From my point view, why do we need to make things complicated when the world is enough complex?

I know some people may think that complexity is a way of showing their ability in making things complex. But did anyone try to find out whether we need it? As we know, making a complex masterpiece will need more resource compares with a simple masterpiece. It will somehow produce more waste during the process. Is it what we want? Does it environment friendly?

Yup, there are lot of questions need to be answered before someone thinking to come out a “complex” masterpiece. But it is all depend on the creator. As I say, if you want to talk about environment friendly or sustainability, why don't you make it right in the beginning? Think about it ;)

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