
14 January, 2011

What kind of life do I want?

The question above is an open answer.... But not many people will be able to get the correct one which is suitable to themselves, and so have me. I keep on thinking of this question whenever I have a peaceful mind. So what kind of life do I want?

Hmm... I read an article on today's paper. If I am not mistaken it was about reviewing type of life that we are looking for. The author wrote that we are always work hard to earn money so that we can buy a lot of things that we like. Because of that action, we live under stress most of the time. We need money to satisfy our needs. It is like a life cycle. We will never have enough money to do all the things. Due to that, we can only force ourselves to work hard. This is the point... it has somehow limited ourselves to earn money without considering other issues in our life.

What is the other issues? Hmm... It can be related to your family, your friends, your health, your loved one or even your future.... Money is important but we should not forget to think out side of the box. There are more things for us to explore other than money. We will never have enough money but we can have enough happiness in our life. Maybe we should spend some time to do some meaningful things other than earning money like a robot.

On the other hand, we can also try to get a job that we like to do. Bear in mind, it's the job that you like to do. Not because of money at the 1st point but the mission behind the job. For example, you like teaching. You may able to earn a lot from a teaching career but the mission should not be forgotten. A teacher is to teach the student, our next generation. The mission of one career can be the driving force to us in life. Always remind yourself about the mission behind your job rather than working as a robot. Life can be meaningful when we go on the right track and we know the trick of life-

"Know the mission of your life" :)

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