27 June, 2009
I found this...
Title: Hopes...
I hope…
I can be your first love
so that other guys have no chance to hurt you.
I hope…
I can get to know you early
so that we can discover each other deeply.
I hope…
I can always stay with you
so that I can protect you all the time.
I hope…
I can forget everything in the past
so that I can make a new memory for you.
I hope…
you can accept me to be your boy friend
so that I can be the second person,
who loves you the most.
I hope…
I have a chance to love you
so that you can be the most lucky woman in this world.
I hope…
your future can be different because of me… because
26 June, 2009
Michael Jackson's left us...

Pop icon Michael Jackson died Thursday after suffering a cardiac arrest, multiple US media outlets reported, sending shockwaves around the entertainment world.
The Los Angeles Times and TMZ.com celebrity news website reported Jackson, 50, died after suffering an arrest just after 12:00 pm (1900 GMT) local time and paramedics were unable to revive him.
The Times cited multiple city and law enforcement officials as confirming the pop icon's death.
She has someone...
Anyhow, she has someone now. Whatever happened between two of us should not mention it anymore. So it is time for me to let go her fully. It is time for me to concentrate on my studies. And of course, it is time for me to tell myself:
David, you are free now!
21 June, 2009
A dream
But why you were the one in my dream?
I don’t know…
It was a dream I wish to have since you left.
I saw your smile which I almost forget how it looks like.
You look stunning like the old days.
Although it was just my imagination,
It did remind me the days we had together.
I’m very clear that everything is different after you left.
I learned to live without you and...
I don’t want to have any changes at the moment.
Or I should say… I dare not to make any changes.
Why you appeared in my dream?
Is it a sign of something?
I have no idea.
When the moment I woke up from the dream, that’s it.
Glad to see you again although it was a dream…
20 June, 2009
FW: 女生看了会哭泣,男生看了会沉默的故事
猜想 是 女孩把电话线拔了.
救护车到的时候,人已经不行了. 女孩心痛到哭不出来,
车已经撞得完全不成样子. 方向盘上,
3.当你和她/他在一起时,你会假装不注意他,但是当她离/他开你的视线 时,你 会急著寻找她/他...你已 经爱上她了
6.当你看到她/他那甜美的笑时,你的嘴角会扬起一丝得意的笑..你已经爱上她 /他了。。。。 了...
19 June, 2009
Decision Making - Part 2
Hmm… Once again, it is another decision making moment. Today is the last day for me to add and drop subject. Actually, I wanted to add another Architectural Option which is Experiencing Architecture. But I just realized that the trip will crash with my favorite class, Design Studio. I can’t skip any class especially my favorite class. Some more the Swine Flu is getting serious nowadays. It is quite risky to visit a country which has officially reported 58 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection. Therefore, I think I am not going to add this subject although it might be my only chance to explore more on architecture. Anyhow, it is just an optional subject. I should refocus my attention on the tasks in front of me… :)
16 June, 2009
Decision Making - Part 1
In my case, I thought the subject suits me well therefore I selected it during course selection. But unfortunately it was not what I expected to be. "Concept design" is interesting but if comes to draw human figure. I will totally surrender. Do you know? I have lost my manual drawing ability since the day I learned computer. As a result, that is quite impossible for me to draw a nice manual drawing with just a pencil or artline.
Maybe you will think that I should take the chance to improve my manual drawing skill. Yes, you are right. But in other point of view, it is not the right timing. Let me tell you, I am in semester 4 now. I cannot afford to fail any subjects. At the same time, I should not put myself in the situation that will affect other subjects.
Anyhow, I am going to drop my Architectural Option: Concept Design for this semester so that I can have more time to focus on my studio.
15 June, 2009
Nervous spoiled everything...
I did a poor presentation in the morning!
I should have do better than that.
I prepared everything but it ended up like SHIT!
I hate myself... :(
14 June, 2009
If a design opportunity arises...
If a design opportunity arises, no matter how small or "insignificant," no matter your "lack of experience," take it, relish it, commit to it, and most importantly take the risk. Without fulfilling the obligation of risk, you will neither grow nor learn. There is no failure in a continuous process of discovery. There is failure only in accommodation and compromise.
-Charles Gwathmey
Andrew Pressman, Professional Practice 101: Business Strategies and Case Studies in Architecture, page 11
Only the right one?
Just played a quiz and it gave me a result above. It tells that I like to compete with others. If I lost, it takes time for me to get over it. Sport and outdoor activities are my favourite. I am optimistic and trustworthy. When comes to relationship, I will be very careful and hard to fall in love with someone. But once I found the right one, I won't simply let her run away.
Haha... The result was quite accurate, especially the last few sentences. It is really hard for me to fall in love with someone.
Only the right one can gain the access to my deeper heart. :)
In the early morning, I read newspaper like usual.

Lomography emphasizes casual, snapshot photography. Characteristics such as over-saturated colors, off-kilter exposure, blurring, "happy accidents," and alternative film processing are often considered part of the "Lomographic Technique." Users are encouraged to take a lighthearted approach to their photography, and use these techniques to document everyday life, as the Lomo LC-A's small size, simple controls, and ability to shoot in low light encourages candid photography, photo reportage, and photo vérité through the much-touted "10 Rules."
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomography
08 June, 2009
The 1st day of Year 2 Semester 2
So who are the lecturers in charge of the studio class for this semester? Yes, they are Mr. Zani and Mr. David Chan. For the very 1st class, they gave us some brief regarding their expectation for this semester and of course the introduction of our 1st project.
During the brief, both of them had given us lots of advices. I can say that they really did a good job to wake up me from the 3 weeks holiday. That’s good! I like the 1st studio class and I am sure I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next. Sure, there will be lots of challenges waiting for us.
To make a conclusion of the day, I choose to use this idiom which I learned in today’s class. I think it’s cool!!… lolx
“Break the rule and be in the rule!”
05 June, 2009
The result was released!!!
Overall, the result was not that bad. It was under my expectation, except my favorite subject, Architecture Design Studio 3. I thought I could score a “B” at least but it wasn’t. What happened? It might be something wrong with me.
Anyhow, whatever happened was impossible to be changed. I should learn from the mistake and do my best for this new semester. It seems like the old learning method cannot be applied anymore, it needs to be improved. Time management and self-discipline still have to be practice everyday. Yup, I believe that everything will be fine. God bless…
04 June, 2009
A wonderful beginning of the day…
Just woke up from my bed.
I could not sleep well last night.
Something was stuck in my head.
Everything seems to be okay after
I found out the true answer that
I have been seeking for ages.
Yes, this is what I want.
Thanks… ^^